I'm sitting here doing some algebra, because Wednesday nights full of algebra really do something to my ego, and I think to myself, "Ooo, I'd really like to make a list right now." And then I realized that Fuzzy Robot and I already discussed a list today and how that made me feel all Fuzzy Robot type fuzzy and want to say phrases like "little nap."
The reason behind the list-making hanker is because earlier today, Robot told me she gets to see Kevin Bacon tomorrow. This made me jealous, and then really hungry. And then I had to honestly ask myself if I would rather see Kevin Bacon tomorrow or eat an Urban Cowboy from Gandolfo's with the breaded chicken, bacon, and BBQ sauce. At moments like these it's best to distract oneself as much as possible because either answer would have proved myself ridiculous. (I really do LOVE both types of Bacon.)
Then I got on FB and did some socially-approved stalking for a bit, because that's all FB is good for (massive distraction), and decided I really do want to record my LIST that occurred after Robot and I virtually chatted. So, here's my list.
Hollywoodites as great as Kevin Bacon (and we are talking serious prime-Bacon-time):
John Cusack
Molly Ringwald
Elisabeth Shue
Tate Donovan
Johnny Lee Miller
Oh, Tate, where art thou?
Kevin Bacon is still kind of hot in real life!
Real Bacon does taste pretty good in the morning.
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