Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Another Boring Post- Library Session (in disguise)

So, ProSc requested that we post all the memos that we send him on our blog, or maybe I made that requirement up in my mind. Who knows? After he changed the syllabus multiple times, I got confused and so to be safe- I'm posting my "library session" assignment. If anything, I feel he is not as liberal about this blogging assignment as he originally let on.

Actually, I'm not going to post the actual memo I wrote because 1) it was scathing, and 2) it's not good to show your true colors on a blog that's being potentially read by...wait... people that already know how mean I am. Never mind, I have to come up with other reasons why I'm not posting the actual memo. Reasons yet to come...

Let me just say that I think it's cruel and unusual how the Y requires in their freshman English classes a Library Tour. Remember when you were a freshman? I do, granted it was in Before Tian time and I am now practically a fossil. (Especially in my YSA ward- come back Jer! I miss you. Who will be the Sean Connery of the ward?)

Freshman-ness is already particularly daunting. New classes, new people, new freedom, new responsibilities. There is one feeling I think we can all agree on as required in the "feelings we all dislike" list: uncertainty. That is what freshman means to me- uncertainty. (Look forward to a new post primarily designed to record "feelings we all dislike.")

It's like the first time you go to class: You are pretty confident of your skills to identify a building on campus and locate the matching room number on the door with the room number listed on your class schedule that you just printed off five minutes ago to assure absolute accuracy. You enter the room, find yourself an "average" seat, and just... wait.

However, have you ever noticed how we all sit there sheepishly, sneaking glances at each other, wondering "am I really in the right place; maybe this is a graduate level chemistry class. What if it is? Will they let me out without mocking me, or changing my blood into lithium? Is that what really happened to Wolverine? He probably never felt stupid in a class. Maybe Wolverine would date me if I had lithium blood. Hum. What should I eat for lunch?..." And the next thing you know you feel completely stupid and uncertain about yourself and the immense possibility that everyone right then could read your thoughts.

Well, that said, I'm so glad I'm not a freshman anymore, if not for anything else than I don't have to take the library tour. I bet whoever came up with the library tour started with this thought, "Let's find a way to times by about 10,435 the uncertain feelings freshmen have about themselves and compound that into 45 minutes in the second most public place on campus." THEY (meaning the uppity ups at the Y) originally wanted to do a Cougar Eat tour, but realized that the likelihood of throwing books was less than that of food. Let's face it, you throw that book and you don't know how long you have to wait on the recall list before you get it back.


Heiderhead said...

Phew! I this post was quite entertaining. Saved me from making the comment, "BORING. When's the part about kissing?"

Craig said...

Oh, am I glad I finally checked out this blog. Your witty insights are just the thing for helping me escape the drudgery of responsible, adult-like work.

Write on, blog maverick--write on!

Anonymous said...

Oh Tian, how I love you.

1) I thought LB was the Sean connery of the ward. Although, if he is, I'm not sure who that makes Jeremy. I think I called him Jimmy Carter once. (old, president, you know...)

2) Library tours are pretty horrible, although I do think it is important for new freshman to understand the importance of the library and librarians. They are underutilized.

Deven and Eva said...

Damn library tours.