Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Let's wear costumes!!!

Yes, I know--I am vain about my blog. But I was thinking this morning, "I get dressed every day in (hopefully) something different, why not Bloggy? Bloggy wants to look good. And, too be completely honest, I wasn't very peaceful about the dots.

So, Bloggy will be dawning new clothes and accessories periodically. Don't let it scare you away; it's still Bloggy.

Speaking of wearing clothes, one of my dear friends is staying in town rather than moving to one of the original thirteen colonies and that makes me really joyous. (That didn't have anything to do with wearing clothes but I wanted a good transition.) I just wanted to make one brief remark about how happy I am that Craigery isn't moving to D.C.

Of course, I don't want to gloat in his misery of having to stay in the second most arid state of the union, but perhaps subtle phrases like bare feet and wading, costume parties, Turandot, hummus, whirling dervish, and existential quantifier will make him feel better. I know that I always run a couple of those through my head when I'm having a long day, or a brief spout of depression, and it makes me feel much much better.

Besides being an oh so charming older brother-but-not-your-brother, Craigery has many good qualities. Since lists are this year's new black, here's a Column of Craigery Qualities:

-Latin crab dancing (this is a highly technical and advanced form of Latin Ballroom and has yet to be featured on So You Think You Can Dance)

-Showing up extremely late but yet giving the impression that he's right on time and he couldn't wait to get there

-Laughing ridiculously into the phone for minutes at a time at absolutely nothing

-Noticing and complimenting great rhetoric, alliterations, and new shirts

-Becoming obsessed with inanimate objects but not feeling a bit bashful or insecure about telling people about it

-Making small talk without giving the impression that he's making small talk

-Supporting any sort of need to release the inner-child

-Good kisser (okay, I'm totally kidding about that, but I just wanted to make him gasp and HH has been begging for more DRAMA)

-Ability to make and maintain friendships with ANYONE

-Willing and gleeful to join in any spontaneous song and dance

-Okay with allowing me to describe him as "gleeful"

-Being honest enough to tell me that if I want him to read Bloggy then I have to talk about him. (Let's face it, we all like to hear our own name, but only Craigery will admit it.)


Heiderhead said...

Truest of truths -
"Showing up extremely late but yet giving the impression that he's right on time and he couldn't wait to get there"

And I wish to add
-Walking. He's a great walker.

Jeremy said...

Really? He can maintain friendships? Fooled me...

Anonymous said...

Oh, this remindes me that I am so sad he is not going to DC. Who is going to be in clubs with me? Who is going to be my pretend boyfriend and take me to lunch? Who is going to be my District Mate? Well, maybe someday the government will claim him and he will come.

IsabellaArchery said...

Other notable skills:
1) Poached-pear concocting.
2) Identifying blueberries that really aren't blueberries.
3)Crhetoric and word-smithery (including haikuery, limerickery, punnery, "hourspeak," etc.)
4)Portrait painting on pumpkin surfaces.
5) Turning the most mundane situations into moments of pomp and ceremony (complete with chants, hats, treats, etc.)
6)Articulating the strangeness of the earthly experience.
7) Kind-hearted.

shelley said...

He's also really good at creating musical theater dance numbers on command.